Learning & Pedagogy
RCE gives importance to peer learning. Ensuring a high level of in-class diversity through its admission policy enhances the peer learning experience while a student’s stays on campus for four years.
Self made study groups enable students to share thoughts, ideas and experiences providing an enhanced learning experience.
No Technical education can be said to be complete without incorporating adequate industry exposure. This is achieved in all courses offered by the Institute in a unique 3 pronged way. While,
On the one hand students are benefited from the knowledge of learned professors coming from industry on the other, sound fundamentals are guaranteed by professors of long academic standing. A 45 days summer internship provides the ultimate industry experience to each student.
- Teaching methodology is a combination of lecture and case based method with high focus on self-learning and practice.
- Teaching of each subject is carried out as per a detailed course plan designed in accordance with the syllabus.
- Each course comprises case studies, assignments, presentations, working exercises, quizzes and group discussions on current issues.
- The evaluation is based on continuous internal assessment and an end-term examination.
- Simulation, Role Play and other teaching techniques are used in the classroom for greater effectiveness.