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Alumni Associations

“Once a RCEian, always a RCEian! As an RCEian you are in the league of successful alumni members working in top organizations across the world.”
Our Aim

The RCE Alumni Association aim to reconnect our graduates through Alumni events and to support further development of our alma mater for a new era of RCEian as well as Connect previous student and felicitate those who have done extraordinary contribution in their organization also utilization of funds raised for the social causes.

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    • It is a matter of great pride for every educational college and passed out students to have a regular interaction to rekindle the memories of the golden days spent in college.

      Roorkee College of Engineering had constituted a separate society in the name “RCE Alumni Association Roorkee” on 23.07.2015 with the objective that society shall be managed by students under the supervision of Roorkee College of Engineering.

      The copy of registration certificate as follows:


The following shall be eligible for the life Membership of the Association

      • a. All alumni of the Roorkee College of Engineering, Roorkee.
      • b. All members of teaching staff, as defined in RCE, Roorkee.
      • c. All existing life members will continue to be the members of the Association.
      • d. The rates of subscription for life membership at the time of application shall be as follows:
        • i. Rs. 2000.00 for Alumni living in India and Teachers.
        • ii. US $ 100.00 for overseas Alumni.
        • iii. Rs. 1000.00 for passing out students.

Termination or Cessation Of Membership :

The membership of a member shall be terminated or cease to exist on the following grounds :

      • Owing to the the death of the members.
      • On tendering written resignation.
      • If declared a proclaimed offender by any court of law.
      • If found guilty of any propaganda against the association causing harm to its reputation, aims and objectives.
      • If the member does not attend more than three consecutive meetings with the permission of the President of the association.
      • If found guilty for violation of rules and regulations of the association or disobeys the decisions of the Executive Committee.

Organization of the Association:

      • General Body-There shall be a General Body of the Association consisting of all members.
      • Executive Body-There shall be an Executive Committee to manage the affairs of the Association.
      • Local Chapters-There may be Local Chapters of the Association in various cities in India and abroad.


    • The General Body of the Association shall hold an Annual General Body Meeting at least once a year and not more that 18 months shall elapse between two successive Annual General Body Meetings.
    • A notice of clear 21 days convening an Annual General Meeting shall be given to the members.
    • The Secretary shall upon being requested in writing by the Executive Committee or by at least 100 members of the Association, call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) for which at least 15 days notice along with agenda shall be circulated to all the members.
    • 18 members present in person shall form a quorum for any meeting of the General Body. If the meeting is adjourned after 15 minutes for want of quorum, the meeting shall again take place after 30 minutes of adjournment to transact the same business and the members present shall form the quorum.
    • The duties of the General Body shall be :
      • To set guidelines for the Executive Committee so as to achieve the aims and objectives of the Association.
      • To consider and adopt the Annual Report and Audited Accounts of the Association.
      • To approve the budget for the following year.
      • To appoint Auditors.
      • To honor the Jubilee Alumni and the distinguished Alumni.
      • To elect office bearers and members of the Executive Committee.
      • To transact any other business with the permission of the President in Chair.
    • All the resolutions put to vote at the General Body shall be decided by a majority vise (unless otherwise provided) on a show of hands. In case of equality of vote, the President in Chair shall have the casting vote.
    • Returning officer for the elections will be appointed by the Executive Committee who will conduct the election process. The guidelines for conducting the election will be decided by the Executive Committee.


  • The Executive Committee shall consist of eleven members :
    • President
    • Working President
    • Vice President
    • Honorary Secretary
    • Joint Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Members
    • Presidents of Local Chapters

    The Honorary Secretary is referred to as the Secretary in the subsequent articles as well as in the rules and regulations of the Association.

  • Election of the Executive Committee :
    • All office bearers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected / nominated from amongst the Members.
    • The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be nominated by the Executive Committee of Satyam Educational Society, Roorkee.
    • The working President, Vice-President and Joint Secretary shall be nominated by the Governing body of Roorkee College of Engineering, Roorkee.
    • The President can nominate five members representing special interests.
    • In the eventuality of any seat left vacant, the Executive Committee will have the power to co-opt members to fill the vacancies.
    • The procedure for election of the office bearers of the Association shall be regulated according to the Bye laws of the Association.
    • Returning officer for the elections will be appointed by the Executive Committee who will conduct the election process.
  • The Executive Committee will meet ordinarily every quarter of year, but the Secretary with the permission of President, can call an emergent meeting at any time.
  • A notice of 15 days shall ordinarily be given to members for convening an emergent meeting.
  • The quorum for the Executive Committee meeting shall be seven. In case, there is no quorum, it shall be adjourned and reconvened after 15 minutes, the number of members present will form the quorum.
  • The Executive Committee shall have all the powers with regard to management and promotion of objectives of the Association according to directives, if any, of the General Body.
  • The Executive Committee shall frame By-laws in accordance with Rules and Regulations, which shall be ratified by the General Body Later on.
  • All office bearers shall normally hold office for two years.
  • The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the Association by majority vote in the committee Meeting provided that in case of tie, the President shall have the casting vote.


  • The Executive committee may recognize a Local Chapter of the Association in any city provided it has 20 members enrolled. A centre with less than 20 members but more than five members will be recognized as a Sub-Chapter and it will be attached to the Local Chapter.
  • The relationship of the parent Association with the Local Chapters will be governed by bye-laws of the Association.
  • The Local Chapters shall not be normally, under the financial control of the Parent Association at Roorkee. However, if any Local Chapter organizes an activity using the name and patronage of the parent body, they will transfer 20% savings from the activity to corpus fund of the parent body at RCE, Roorkee.
  • The Local Chapters should normally hold activities pertaining to their jurisdiction only. The jurisdiction of Local Chapters will be defined by the parent body from time to time.
  • Local Chapters will take prior approval of the parent body before organizing events of regional / national / global nature involving members beyond their jurisdiction.
  • In case annual revenue of the chapter exceeds one lakh, the accounts must be audited and certified copies of the balance sheet and audit report submitted to the parent body at Roorkee.
  • The Local Chapters may elect President and Secretary to manage the affairs of the Chapter. A meeting of all members of the chapter must be convened at least once a year.
  • The Secretary should furnish the names and addresses of the office bearers and a list of members of the Local Chapter to the Honorary Secretary once a year.
  • The Local Chapters may raise funds through suitable rate of subscription from the members.
  • The Local Chapters will receive a copy of the Annual General Body Meeting report and other publications of the Association.
1. President

The President shall preside over Executive Committee and General Body meetings. He / She shall have all the powers for the management and promotion of the objectives of the association.

2. Working President

The Working President shall act as President in his absence and assist in the management and promotion of the objectives of the Association. He shall have emergency powers to make any decision in the interest of the Association and report to the Executive Committee later on.

3. Vice President

The Vice President shall act as the President, in the absence of the President and Working President. He / She shall render advice to the Executive Committee with regard to promotion of the objectives of the Association.

4. Secretary
  • The Secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of the records of the Association.
  • The Secretary shall attend to all the activities as approved by the Executive Committee.
  • The Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out all correspondence and preparation and distribution of all publications and souvenirs of the Association.
  • After holding Annual General Body Meeting, the Secretary shall file the following information with the Registrar of societies :
    • List of names addresses and occupation of the members of the Executive Committee.
    • An annual report of the previous year.
    • Certified copies of the balance sheet and the auditor’s report.
5. Treasurer

Treasurer shall keep the books of accounts of the Association. He will collect all dues and claims on behalf of the Association and assist the President and Secretary in ensuring budgetary grants are correctly utilized. In addition, he will liaise with the bankers and the Auditors of the Association.

6. Joint Secretary
  • The Joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the management of the activities of the Association.
  • The Joint Secretary shall act as the Secretary, in the absence of the Secretary.


  • The office bearer and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected in the Annual General Body Meeting through simple majority of votes.
  • A notice of the General Body Meeting may be served on any member either personally or by sending it through ordinary post, or through newspaper advertisement or through e-mode.
  • It shall be the duty of a member to keep the Association informed about his / her current address so that proceedings of the Association activities and meeting notice could be sent to him / her.


  • The Association shall raise funds for pursuing the objectives of the Association through.
    • Subscriptions from the members – The rate subscription shall be governed by the Bye-Laws of the Association. The membership fee from the passing out students will be collected by the institute.
    • Money donated by the members.
    • Any other source approved by the Executive Committee.
  • The accounts of the Association shall be maintained in any scheduled Bank at Roorkee into which all subscriptions, donations and other income shall be credited.
  • Financial year of the Association shall be from April 1st to March 31st of the following year.
  • The funds of the Association may be invested in Reputed Mutual Funds and other financial instruments currently in vogue Government Securities, Bonds and Debentures of reputed public companies, Schemes of Unit Trust of India and Banks.
  • The services of a reputed investment advisor may be engaged from this purpose on suitable terms.
  • Withdrawals from the invested funds shall be made only with the approval of the Executive Committee to be ratified by the General Body later on.
  • The bank account shall be operated jointly as resolved by the Executive Committee.


The accounts of the Association shall be audited once a year by a Chartered Accountant to be appointed by the General Body.


The Association may sue or be sued in the name of Secretary.

  • No suits of Proceedings shall fail by reason of any vacancy or change in the holder of office of the Secretary.
  • Every decree or order against the Association in any suit or proceeding shall be executable against the property of the Association and not against the persons or the property of the President, Working President, Secretary or any office bearer.
  • Nothing herein shall exempt the President, Working President, Secretary or other office bearers of the Association from any criminal liability under the act or entitle him / her to claim any contribution from the property of the Association in respect of any claim paid by him on conviction by the criminal court.
  • No member of the Association may be sued or prosecuted by the Association except for any injury or loss damage, detention or destruction of any property of the Association.


  • The following records shall be maintained in the office of the Association.
    • Roll of Membership.
    • Minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings.
    • Minutes of the General Body Meetings.
    • Cash Book and Ledger.
    • Receipts and Vouchers.
    • All publications, reports and souvenirs of the Association.
    • All documents as required by law under Societies Regulations Act 186.
    • Any other relevant record.
  • These records shall include details of all sums of money received and the sources thereof, and all the sums of money spent and the purpose.
  • Every member of the General Body shall have the right of inspection of records of the Association during the office hours.
  • The weeding out of the archival records will be done in accordance with the rules of the RCE.


Any provision of this constitution can be amended by a two-third majority of those alumni members present and voting in General Body Meeting. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be furnished to the Secretary at least 30 days before the date at which it is proposed to consider the amendments. Such a notice will contain details of the Rule (s) desired to be amended, the proposed text of the changed rule and the reason for seeking the amendment. The latter is meant as a guide for any deliberation at the General Body Meeting. Upon the receipt of a requisition for amendment the Secretary shall issue notice to every member for the meeting, at least 21 days before the scheduled date. Mandate for amendments can be sought by circulation or e-mode also in the eventuality of non availability by the Executive Committee.


The winding up of the Association shall be carried out as per section 13 & 14 of the Societies Registration Act 1860.


We the undersigned members of the executive committee of RCE Alumni Association do hereby certify that the above is the true copy of the Memorandum, Rules and Regulations of the Association.